Sims 4 No Mods Folder

2020. 1. 24. 10:01카테고리 없음

Sims 4 No Mods Folder

How to Make a Sims 4 ModHey guys! Today I wanted to talk to you about mod making. I’m assuming that you’ve never made a mod so we are going to make an easy one just to get you used to the process. In a later tutorial, I’ll show you how to check your mod after an update to make sure it still works.Tools needed:(S4S) download the beta versionNotepad Step 1Make a folder dedicated to modding.

  1. Cracked Sims 4 No Mods Folder
  2. The Sims 4 No Mods Folder

Inside this folder should be sub-folders. I’ll show you what mine looks like but set yours up in a way that makes sense to you. Below is the structure of my modding folder with the top line being the main folder:Sims 4 Mods–Mods WIP—–Name of Mod–Extracted Resources–Patch 924 (this is the date of the latest patch)–IssuesStep 2Now you are going to extract those resources from Sims 4. Begin by launching S4S and then you will click on the tools tab and select “extract tuning”.

First up for this post, I had to hit you guys with this one. This is hands-down one of the best Sims 4 mods of all time. No, one of the greatest Sims mods of all time period.

At the bottom of the popup window, make sure the “use sub-folders” and “extract all” boxes are checked. Do not have the “use EA naming” box checked. Click on the export button and select the folder you want to extract to (the one I labeled extracted resources for example). The process takes a fair amount of time, so be patient and leave the program alone.

It took almost 10 minutes for mine, so go grab something to drink or two. Step 3You are ready to make your first mod!

I don’t know about you guys but I get really annoyed when my Sims stop an action I directed them to do so they can go get a drink.when they aren’t even hungry! So, let’s put a stop to that nonsense by making a “no auto drink” mod. Begin by making a new folder inside your “Mods WIP” folder and labeling it “No Auto Drink”. What you are going to do next is go to your “extracted resources” folder and then in the search box type in drink. You are going to get almost 500 results! It may look overwhelming; however, with time you will come to recognize what files you need and which ones you don’t.

I suggest poking around in the files and just seeing what they do. Also, you can open existing mods and see what they’ve changed to help you better understand the process.Now that I’ve scared you; let’s make this easier. Type in GrabDrink, the results are more manageable. See what a difference it makes if you have a better idea of the file you will be modifying?Step 4Select the fridgeGrabDrinkAutonomously.InteractionTuning and coolerGrabDrinkAutonomously.InteractionTuning XML files. Copy them (do not cut because you don’t want to do any editing to your master files!) and then paste them into the “No Auto Drink” folder you created inside your Mods WIP folder.Step 5Go to your “No Auto Drink” folder and double click on the fridgeGrabDrinkAutonomously.InteractionTuning, you may need to instruct it to use notepad to open this file. The very first section is what you will be modifying. Do you see where it says amount and basechange?

That’s what determines your Sims need to get a drink.6.67100Let’s change it to:00Now save your file and let’s move on to the other file that controls Sims need to constantly get a drink.Step 6Double click on the coolerGrabDrinkAutonomously.InteractionTuning and you are going to make the same edits. You can even copy/paste what you edited on your other file to this one, if you wanted.2.5100Let’s change it to:00A quick little note about coding. Do you see how each line is closed with a / something?Example:100Think of those like punctuation marks or periods at the end of a sentence.

You need to make sure when you are editing and adding lines that every line is properly punctuated. Failure to do so will result in errors. If you are careful and only change the amounts, then you shouldn’t run into any issues. However, if you start getting really ambitious and adding in lines from other resources? Then please pay attention to those closing lines.Side trip into coding land over.

Go ahead and save this file as well and we are now ready to move onto the final stage of making your first mod. Exciting, right? Well, it was for me when I made my “Kiss Neck” mod. I was so pleased with myself for days, still am. You will be too when you conquer this.Step 7Open up S4S and select “Tools” and then you will select “Empty Package”. In the popup window, name your package. I suggest naming it with your initials and then what the mod does.

How to create sims 4 mod folder

I labeled mine HSNoAutoDrinks. Please be mindful of using characters like & and spaces, it takes computers longer to process these characters and therefore it could eventually slow down your game.After saving your mod, you will click on the “batch import” button and then scroll to where you put those XML files. They should be inside that folder in your Mods WIP folder, being organized makes this process easier.

Once you have selected all your resources, click on the open button. After ensuring that all your files have been placed into your package, save it. You just made your first mod. Step 8 – The Most Important Step!Test your mod if you plan on releasing it. Please don’t release untested and broken stuff into the community. A fun suggestion is to have other Simmers test it and give you screenshots so you can include them when you release your mod.

After you have finished testing your mod, move the entire folder over to your folder that is labeled for the latest patch. These are mods that you know work with that patch release.A little tip: Did you notice the green writing? That is the name of that resource item. This information comes in handy if you want to use that resource in another mod or you are trying to figure out what to modify.

Sims 4 No Mods Folder

It’s why I suggested poking around in the resource folder and reading. The more you study the files, the clearer they become and the easier it will be for you to make your own mods or update an outdated one.A note on updating outdated mods: Most modders don’t want you to do that.

Cracked Sims 4 No Mods Folder

I suggest sending them a note and asking. If you have not heard back in a reasonable amount of time (weeks) then go ahead and do the update but make sure you state that it is NOT YOUR mod and that you will remove it if the original creator objects. Link to the original mod. I have many mods (40 to be exact) that I have updated for my own personal use and won’t share because I didn’t make them.We all know, that Sims 4 has lot of modding choices. So, everyone of us, can not only install Sims mods, but ant create Sims mods. So it is very good new, because everyone of us can show lot of creative ideas.

But there is one more important question: how to create Sims 4 mods? So, if you want to know, how to create Sims 4 mods, let’s read this article.The most important thing, which we want to say is that, the quality of this game, can be more higher by different mods. Such mods, like pets, house and others, can change this game. So, if you want to create new mods, but you don’t know how to do it, remember one thing: there are lot of fans, which know how to do it and they wants to share it with you.So, you must to try these decisions: how to create Sims 4 mods tutorial or Sims 4 modding guide. You can find lot of useful information on it. Also, you must to remember one more thing: if you want to grow life by adding more pets, just see what new mods of differents pets are available.

But the most important thing, which you must to remember is that, create mods by yourself it means more interesting game. So, let’s have fun.

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The Sims 4 No Mods Folder

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Sims 4 No Mods Folder